Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

November 13, 2012
Posts: 26

Leisure and I Have Parted Ways

I had to laugh when a friend recently told me that she can’t wait to get married and stay home, because she’ll have so much more time! More time? Recently, my husband and I have found ourselves chanting the quote, “leisure and I have parted ways,” and it’s definitely not because we have more time. We are allotted the same number of hours each day, but choose to do drastically different things with them. Although I am immensely blessed with the joy of NOT working outside the home, I find that the demands of loving God, my husband and my children are laborious and time consuming- and that is an incredible blessing!

A blessing? How can laborious and time-consuming work be a blessing? Continue Reading →

November 9, 2012
Posts: 35

Book of the Month:The Hole In Our Holiness

When someone says you have a hole in your logic, they mean that you are missing something. Our book of the month author, Kevin DeYoung, says that we have a hole in our holiness: something is missing. And he tells you very quickly what it is that is missing. We don’t care about holiness. It’s that simple. But is that true about you? Reading the Hole in Our Holiness will help you figure out what holiness is all about. DeYoung wants us “to take seriously one of the great aims of our redemption and one of the required evidences for eternal life-our holiness.”

In the first chapter, it is established that many churches are missing something today. Continue Reading →

November 7, 2012
Posts: 303

Books for Women to Not Read

There are books you have at home and don’t read because you don’t have time.  Then there’s books you see at a store or conference and think, ‘oh, I should read that!’  In distinction from those books, where you want to read it and just don’t — here are three books that you probably shouldn’t invest your time in reading. Continue Reading →

October 30, 2012
Posts: 46

Preparing for Sunday: Mark 5:1-20

  1. In what situations have you felt the most afraid?

  2. When you hear the word “demon,” what comes to mind?

  3. What is your reaction when encountering someone who seems scary or godless?

  4. Why do demons bow before Christ, even though they are His sworn enemies?

  5. In what ways are all people like the demon possessed man from Mark?

  6. Why would people react negatively to Christ transforming a person from a scary nuisance to a person in his right mind?

  7. Why would God allow you to remain in a situation where you are surrounded by godless people?

  8. Is there an area of your life were you are not, as Chris will say, “…falling into the power arms of a God who is loving, merciful, all wise, all powerful and SOVEREIGN?” Prayerfully consider and ask God to reveal where you are not willingly submitting to His authoritative Word. Confess it right now to God. What will repentance look like in this area?

  9. Make a list each day this week of the great things the Lord has done for you and how He has shown you mercy. As you focus on this every day has it created in you a joyful heart, if so how? What has it given you to share with unbelievers you encounters?

  10. Do you think your sin is too big for God to forgive?  What in this passage and elsewhere in God’s Word tells you this is a lie?