Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

June 12, 2012
Posts: 26

Confronting an Eating Disorder, Part 1.5

A few weeks ago I published an article about my own struggle with binge eating, and I was surprised to find that most people were astounded that a fellow American could down a box of Girl Scout cookies! Judging by the responses, I fear I left out some basic definitions and lacked clarity. My hope was that by sharing my own occasional lack of self-control in this area others would also be convicted and encouraged to surrender their own eating to God. After all, as Christians we are to do all things even “eat and drink… for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Continue Reading →

June 6, 2012
Posts: 35

Book of the Month: The Explicit Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ is something that we as Christians cherish deeply. Matt Chandler, the pastor of The Village Church in Dallas, has written a book that should change the way you look at the gospel, with the result that you will cherish it even more.

Chandler looks at the gospel from two perspectives:  Continue Reading →

June 4, 2012
Posts: 26

Confronting an Eating Disorder, Part I

With much trepidation I made the confession to my husband: “Honey, I have an eating disorder.”

I was shocked by his reply: “Yeah, I noticed.”

Me: “What do you mean you noticed? What’s my disorder?”

Daniel: “Uh, it’s kind of obvious- you are a binge eater.”

Me: “You knew I was a binge eater! Why didn’t you say anything?”

Daniel: “Come on honey… it’s kind of obvious… you skip a meal then eat like five meals in one sitting.”

Me: “Daniel! What if I was starving myself? I could have died.” (note: intense drama and overreacting in my voice and attitude)

Daniel: “Please… you think fasting is not eating for an hour… you won’t starve to death.” Continue Reading →

May 25, 2012
Posts: 46

Reflections: Faith or Facts

I don’t know about the other people at Faith Bible Church, but it sure has been an encouragement to me to study each of the 12 apostles chosen by Christ. Philip is no exception. We learned a bit about Philip on Sunday, studying Mark 3:18.

The encouraging part about each of the apostles is how, well, human they are. Each of them has moments of dependence on Christ and moments of complete fleshly failure. For Philip, some of his failures came from his inability to see beyond the immediate circumstances. As Chris put it, “The raw facts clouded his faith.”

Although I am an optimist by nature, I am also fairly analytical, which means that my conclusions about a person or situation are based on empirical evidence. The problem with empirical evidence, though, is that it rarely includes the “God factor.” Continue Reading →

May 24, 2012
Posts: 25

RMG Life: Words We Avoid

This week we continued the marriage series in our RMG and talked about two big scary words, the “A” word and the “B” word.

Each word by itself is ominous.

When you hear either one of them, you become flush, your pulse rises and a wave of warmth creeps up your neck. Either of them can cause you to look down at your feet, hoping that the remembrance of them quickly passes. Continue Reading →