Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

October 9, 2012
Posts: 35

Book of the Month: Loving the Way Jesus Loves

Love makes the church look attractive. It may not “make the world go around,” but God has certainly placed a priority on love among Christians. Our book of the Month for October is Loving the Way Jesus Loves by Phil Ryken. A quick take on the book reveals that it is an exposition of the great love chapter in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. But looking more closely, you will see that the principles taught by Paul are also practiced by the Lord Jesus. That is what Ryken attempts to do throughout the book as he states on page 34:

First Corinthians 13 gives us a composite picture of love. To see that picture as clearly as possible, we will connect every word to Christ and then make further connections to our own lives. The love that Jesus has shown to us proves to be the same love that he wants us to show to others. Continue Reading →

October 8, 2012
Posts: 26

Looking For the Complaint Department

Sin is such a powerful beast. Full of deceit and disillusionment, it easily devours the best of intentions by slowly turning one’s affections from Christ to self. It’s such a natural flow in one’s heart, that it almost seems too late by the time we realize sin dug its hooks into us. I know firsthand what this pain is like. While I rise early and stay up late to serve those around me, I have allowed my heart and mind to only serve itself.

Looking back, I can see that the grumbling in my heart started with thoughts like, “Why am I the only one to notice this?” and “Why isn’t anyone else helping me?” Continue Reading →

October 3, 2012
Posts: 8

Learning from Paul’s Humility

In Romans 1:11-12, Paul tells the Romans, “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”  Over the summer we have been studying Romans as we’ve geared up to launch an RMG. In the first few verses of the book, I’ve been so encouraged by who Paul is and his attitude toward ministry. I thought it is so appropriate and applicable to us as a church as we start the new school and ministry year. Continue Reading →

October 2, 2012
Posts: 303

The Christian and Voting

IndecisionIn talking through questions we received over the last week about the Christian and voting, I’ve been forced to think more about this topic than I have before. The New Testament knew nothing of democracy so what does the Bible say about the Christian’s responsibility to vote? Let me share ten reasons why I believe that Christians should vote in this election (and most others).

  1. In a democracy, each citizen is granted a share of ruling power. Therefore, you are under obligation to know what God expects of civil government and to vote for the kind of moral standards that you believe He wants a government to follow. As a citizen of the United States, you have a share of governmental power. (This would not be true for a Christian living in communist Cuba.) You are accountable to God for that share which He has entrusted to you (Ezek 33, Matt 25).
    Do you understand your God-given role in our governmental system?
  2. Continue Reading →

September 19, 2012
Posts: 16

Are You Bored? Read This.

Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago, Chris mentioned in his sermon about the sin of boredom. If you have ever wondered why boredom is a sin, take some time to look through the scriptures below.


Is boredom really a sin? Well, first let’s look at the definition of boredom:

  1. the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest
  2. feeling impatient or dissatisfied, because you are not interested in something or because you have nothing to do. If you want to say you are extremely bored, you can say you are bored stiff/rigid/silly or bored to tears/death
  3. feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity

In light of that definition, let’s take a look at what the Bible says about what should occupy our time, minds and hearts: Continue Reading →