December 10, 2014
by Aubrey Morlok
Posts: 1
I’m a truth person. Because of that, though I am far from being an expert in parenting with sympathy, teaching my children to obey is something that comes more naturally to me. The commands for parents to teach their children to obey and for children to obey their parents are clearly stated in scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4, Colossians 3:20-21, Proverbs 22:6, to name a few. So training our children to obey is not only good for them, but also honors God because He is the one who has commanded us to do these things.
I love my children and want them to learn to obey, but what I’ve noticed in myself is that I can begin to be controlling toward them sometimes rather than really caring for their souls. When that happens, I lose sight of what’s best for them and begin to parent them to obey because it’s convenient for me. Obviously, that’s not what God had in mind when he gave those commands, and that is a sure fire way to provoke my kids my kids to anger (Ephesians 6:4) and teach them to obey from the wrong motives. This is also not the way that God has loved us. He sent His Son to come down and be made like us so that He could rescue us from our sin and be a merciful and faithful high priest (Hebrews 2:14-18). I have been learning some pitfalls to avoid and applying scripture to my heart in the areas of sin where I struggle in order to grow to be faithful in training my children in obedience while maintaining a heart of Christlike sympathy.
First, I have learned to avoid the pride of wanting to control my children, Continue Reading →