Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

December 21, 2012
Posts: 8

Being like Christ at Christmas

SONY DSCFor the past several Christmas seasons, I’ve read through a book each morning called Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus, which is a collection of writings from several well-known authors and pastors about different aspects of the Christmas story. It’s been so good for my heart to focus on Christ and why He came in the midst of a non-stop, always-seems-to-be-getting-busier kind of season.

One of the chapters I read recently was written by J.I. Packer on the incarnation of Christ.  As I read through it, I was convicted. I’ve been taught this several times, and I know it to be true, but do I really grasp what it means? Continue Reading →

December 19, 2012
Posts: 25

The Danger in Christmas

christmas angelsI am a true Christmas aficionado. I love this time of year. We have decorations all over the inside and outside of our home, including the “Charlie Brown” Christmas lights. I watch as many of the claymation movies I can (how can you not like Yukon Cornelius or Heat Miser?), I spend hours preparing our prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, and my excitement grows daily for our kids to open their presents, including our new son-in-law this year!

But in all of my passion for the season, there is a grave danger. This danger is highlighted in one simple verse from Luke 2: “And the angel said to them,Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’”

This is how Jesus was heralded into the world; one angel appearing to a few shepherds during one evening outside of Bethlehem to announce that the birth of Christ was “good news” and “great joy.” This is the “true meaning of Christmas.”

Yet, as with my own festivities, the true meaning is often forgotten, overlooked or minimized when this time of year roles around, and that is dangerous. Continue Reading →

December 18, 2012
Posts: 26

Questions from Connecticut… And Bethlehem

questionThis December has been an especially spiritual time for our family because we purposed in our hearts to really focus on Christ’s birth and all that it means for us. One aspect of the “Christmas story” that weighs heavy on my heart in a new way is the desperation and destruction which followed the birth of Christ. As the only true hope came into this world, Herod did the unthinkable. In an attempt to kill the newborn King, he ordered all the male children 2-years-old and younger to be slaughtered, leaving many to ask, “why?”

Why would God allow this?

Why is this happening to us?

What can we do to protect our children?

Where can we find hope? Continue Reading →

December 10, 2012
Posts: 46

Preparing for Sunday: Mark 6:6b-7

  1. Think back to any time you had a first day at a job. What was your training like? Did your boss throw you right in? Give you lots of instructions? How did you feel?
  2. What does it mean to serve in a way that pleases God?
  3. When you look at Christ’s example of ministry, what stands out? How did He teach?
  4. Why is it important to have your life saturated in the Word? What does this have to do with being sent out to minister?
  5. What makes our calling by Jesus so unique?
  6.  How are leaders trained in the church? Biblically, what are some qualifications required of leaders (this will take a little digging)? Do any of these qualifications surprise you?
  7. Why would Jesus send out his disciples in pairs? What advantages are there to ministering together now?
  8. Last week, Jack Hughes talked about faithful vs. wicked servants of Christ (listen here). What part of the body of Christ are you?
  9. What does it mean to see God’s Word as THE authority? How is that different than the attitude of the culture around you?

December 5, 2012
Posts: 10

Roberto the Blind Beggar: Jesus + Nothing = Everything

It was Summer 2012 in Hinche, Haiti, when a man walked into the kitchen on one hand and one leg, with one leg gone since birth. His fingers were deformed, with some fingers missing and some glued together. This man has lived his 46 years of life blind, deformed and malnourished. Doctors say he is a miracle child. Medicine says he was not supposed to live past his infancy. But God had another plan.

As Roberto walked in, he was radiant with joy, singing praises to his King. Continue Reading →