Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

July 24, 2013
Posts: 303

Leaders Make Choices

Provoking Thought for the Day:

It should be a matter of concern that we live in a world where the very values that seem increasingly to dominate our society—extended adolescence and the love of choice combined with the dislike of the responsibility of making choices—are those that will erode the very qualities that make good leaders: maturity and a willingness to make the hard decisions.

Carl Trueman, Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear to Tread, p. 39

July 22, 2013
Posts: 16

What Makes a Healthy Eldership?

FBC Training CenterDuring one of the last Training Center classes of the year, the men asked the elders of FBC what they thought was necessary to have an effective eldership.  After giving them the following presuppositions:

  • a commitment to the authority of the Word
  • a primary focus on authorial intent
  • expositional preaching
  • all of which results in sound doctrine

the elders were allowed to say one thing.  Here’s a survey of their responses: Continue Reading →

July 4, 2013
Posts: 35

Book of the Month: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

If God is sovereign, do we really need to witness to our neighbors or send missionaries to other countries or stand on a box at the beach to preach the gospel? Won’t God take care of the salvation of the people who are hearing the message in these various witnessing experiences? Continue Reading →

June 24, 2013
Posts: 35

What? Me, A Counselor?

Yes, you a counselor! But not just any kind of counselor. A BIBLICAL Counselor.

Consider Colossians 3:12-17 and look at the relationships that we are to have with other Christians, particularly when the other Christians have not been very “Christian”. They have been sinning, and sometimes their sins have been hurtful to us. We have some direction given to us in these verses, with the one over-all principle being love. After describing the various character qualities to be found in the life of every believer, Paul says this: Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity (verse 14).

That love was modeled for us in Christ, who has forgiven us, it was modeled in God who showed forbearance toward our sins. We should not forget the gospel. Continue Reading →