Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

September 17, 2013
Posts: 26

Lighting a Fire in a Full House

How many times have I said, “Lord, tomorrow I will wake up early to spend time with you!”? But, regardless of my efforts, I can’t seem to wake up early enough to escape the relentless demands of my young children. And so I find myself, day in and day out, becoming less able to meet the true needs of those who depend on me and yet more self-reliant as I don’t spend time in God’s word.

This week, I found myself treading water. I just can’t seem to get anything done around the house. My sweet children rely heavily on being with mommy and, even at the park, they won’t leave my side! My baby constantly wants to be snuggled and, quite honestly, I’d much rather spend time playing with my children than clean anyway!Exhausted So now I find myself on Friday with a messy home, a missing soccer uniform sock and, worst of all, only moments were spent in the Word this week. So what do I read tonight as I seek a biblical “pick me up”? Philippians 2:12-13, Work out your salvation with fear and trembling! Continue Reading →

September 13, 2013
Posts: 303

Set Digital Boundaries

Girl on bikeWe live on a cul-de-sac and the result has been that my girls have become bike fanatics.  Training wheels came off at 3½ and now their goal is to ride as fast as you can EVERYWHERE!  Off curbs, from the top of our driveway, around and around they go.  As they’ve gotten older, they have begun to ride further from home.  Originally, there was a light-post that they couldn’t go past.  Now, as they’re a bit older, more confident and more car-aware, the end of the street is their limit.  To ride past the boundary is to disobey.

We all need boundaries and limits in life.  They help us live with wisdom and avoid foolishness.  Many boundaries are set by our culture and sphere of life.  You instinctively know what clothing is suitable for work, and that neither a kilt nor a sports-bra is one of them.  You may remember riding seatbelt-free in the front of your Chevy Nova as a child, but now you dutifully buckle up your kids into their 18-point safety harness, until they’ve reached the age of 19, because that’s the law, or at least how it feels.

We live within boundaries – some are set for us by the world and some are of our own making.  One area in which many people neglect to set boundaries is our digital consumption.  Whether you take a digital sabbath or not, trust me that you need to unplug at night. Continue Reading →

September 11, 2013
Posts: 303

Digital Tools to Fight Pornography

Lock AccessAt the end of Sunday’s sermon, I promised to put some advice online about how to block, filter and guard against the incursion of pornography into your home and office.  Here are the best tools I know of.  Feel free to suggest others in the comments.

More important than any software/hardware tool is address the heart issue.

What lie(s) are you tempted to believe that would lead you to think that pornography is more pleasing and satisfying than being in relationship to God?

But sometimes you need to detox enough to process biblical truth. So with that said, here are some tools to help in the battle. Continue Reading →

September 8, 2013
Posts: 303

Pornography is Trading Gratitude for Greed

Here’s a quote that I wasn’t able to fit into the sermon today, but that I had to find a way to share.

Porn is only consumed by thankless people.  The desire for porn is a desire to escape from what the Lord has given you into a fake universe full of things you do not have and will never have.  Porn is the trading of gratitude for greed.  Porn trades joy in the reality God has graced you with for greed in the counterfeit world he has not.  Defeating porn requires a grateful consideration of God’s good gifts to you.  …  Lust robs you of gladness.

– Heath Lambert, Finally Free

Gladness in God is an antidote for the disease of pornography.