Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

November 28, 2013
Posts: 35

Book Review: Strange Fire

strangefireThe Charismatic movement has created a lot of confusion in evangelical churches over the past century, even more so in the past fifty years. John MacArthur has written a new book that he hopes will cause many people to examine their beliefs and correct the problems that are now facing the Church. Strange Fire is our book of the Month, and you will gain a full understanding of what has motivated him to take such a strong stand: it’s the gospel. Continue Reading →

November 19, 2013
Posts: 1

“Here I raise my Ebenezer…”?

As a worship leader, I love hymns.  Actually, I think Christians loves hymns!  Not every single hymn, but there are certainly “hits” that are worth singing again and again.  Songs like Be Thou My Vision, And Can it Be, and A Mighty Fortress will always be precious to the Church.

Come Thou Fount, a favorite of many people, is probably the first hymn I remember loving to sing. It is really a prayer for help in our walk with the Lord. This song expresses the desire of the believer to have his or her heart completely devoted to the Lord. We love this song!

But what about the second stanza:

Here I raise my Ebenezer, hither by thy help I come
And I hope by thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home

Ebenezer“Here I raise my Ebenezer…?” Ebenezer? What in the world does that mean?! (Ebenezer Scrooge?…Scrooge McDuck…Why am I thinking about Ducktails?) Continue Reading →

November 8, 2013
Posts: 303

Pray for the Philippines!

It was the spring of this year that we sent Robert Clark and his family as missionaries to the Philippines. They settled into Manila and are finding increasing ministry opportunities there. In the fall of this year, we launched a Filipino RMG, in recognition of the many Filipino’s around our valley and in our church. Dojo Aguilar leads this ministry.

That being said, we’d ask you to pray particularly for the Philippines as they are being hard hit by a Super Typhoon yesterday and today. It’s said to be one of the strongest storms in recorded history. The south part of the Philippines is being hit incredibly hard (and this is where Dojo’s family lives).

Super Typhoon Haiyan

25 million people are in the path of this typhoon. Its strength is equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane. Wind gusts will exceed 225mph. Communication is already down in many parts. Roads are impassable. Buildings are flooded. Landslides are expected. Deaths are already being reported.

So what can we do? For now, we can pray. Continue Reading →