October 11, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
October 11, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
October 11, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
The good folks of The Journey in St. Louis have put together this nice chart. This kind of distinction is good for believers and unbelievers to hear. Believers need it because the default mode of the human heart is towards … Continue reading
October 3, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
David Brainerd was a missionary to the American Indians who lived during the early 1700s, before the American Revolution. He was rarely in good health, but poured out his life in taking the gospel to Native Americans. A friend of … Continue reading
October 1, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Late last week, I read What I Said at My Granddaughter’s Funeral. It is the thoughts that John Piper shared at the funeral for his granddaughter, Felicity, who was stillborn at full term. It is powerful, sobering and encouraging. And … Continue reading
September 27, 2007
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
About a week and a half ago, I joined Facebook to see how many FBCers use it as a way of keeping in touch. Thinking that it could be a way of extending community and outreach… Preliminary conclusion = most … Continue reading