Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Do You Facebook?

FBC @ FacebookAbout a week and a half ago, I joined Facebook to see how many FBCers use it as a way of keeping in touch.  Thinking that it could be a way of extending community and outreach…

Preliminary conclusion = most everyone who’s under 30 has a Facebook account.  If you’re over 30, you do not.  (Maybe you’re LinkedIn?)  In fact, you may be saying…what is Facebook?

A likely reason lies in the origins of Facebook on college campuses…and possibly the predatory vibe that MySpace gave to social networking.

BUT…if you are on Facebook…know that there is now a Faith Bible Church – Murrieta group.  Join up, post pictures, write on the wall, start discussions, do whatever it is you do on Facebook. Smiley


Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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