Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Things I’ve Been Wanting to Share

Reading at the computerYou may have noticed that the bottom of our Faith Bible Church‘s main website has a little section called “Worth Reading.” I try to keep that regularly updated with great articles that I find online or that have been sent to me. But the reality is that its getting woefully out-of-date!

I tend to read blogs by Kevin DeYoung, Justin Taylor, Tim Challies, Al Mohler, Thabiti Anyabwile and a few others. To be clear, I don’t read everything that they write, but I skim the titles and read the ones that pique my interest. The best of those get shared to FBC’s main page.

But I’m far behind. There’s too much to share and too little space. So here’s a roundup #1 of some of the most helpful articles I read in the last month.

Living Well

Thinking Biblically

Great Quotes


Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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