Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family


John is busily working on a revamp of the website.  Today’s guest blogger is Erick Cobb.

I just finished "Einstein: His Life and Universe" by Walter Isaacson. I highly recommend it. Einstein was such a fascinating person.

the one hand he was an amazing example of God’s common grace (the grace
that God extends to even to people who deny Him). I was blown away when
I found out that Einstein didn’t really do experiments or even much in
the way of mathematics to make his major discoveries. Rather, he did
"thought experiments" in which he just imagined what might happen in
certain situation. For example he would say to himself, "suppose there
was a train traveling at the speed of light towards an observer and
there is a light beam emitting from the train…." and then he would
imagine how that light beam would appear to the observer. He just
thought out his major discovers! Other scientists would then come along
and verify that his discoveries were true. Einstein had a strange
intuition about how completely unseen things in the universe worked. I
wonder is this might be a small glimpse of how the human mind may have
worked before the Fall and the noetic effects of sin clouded our

On the other hand the effects of
the Fall were very evident in his personal life. His relationship with
women was cruel and lacked commitment. His first wife became pregnant
and had their first child before they were married. He was still slow
to marry her and agreed to do so only if she would find a way to get
rid of their child (we don’t know what happened to their daughter,
adoption is assumed). Later he leaves his first wife because of the
affair he is having with his cousin. He then marries his cousin, who he
neglects and cheats on. Einstein found the idea of a personal, knowable
God intolerable (no doubt because he would then have to come to terms
with his accountability before God for his sin).

"Einstein: His Life and Universe we see that Einstein was a genius in
his understanding of his universe but sadly was totally lost when it
came to his life. And this is the way man is (without a relationship of
trust with God), a wonderful image-bearer of the living God yet
strangely marred by a heart to deny the One who made him and loves him.
It would be great if you could read this book and see both sides of
Einstein, but it would be even better is you took some time to really
see not only the lostness but also the image of God in you nonbelieving
friends and family. It will be by seeing both that you will have the
love and respect for them to take a risk and share your hope with them.


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Author: Erick Cobb

Erick serves in leadership at Covenant Grace Church, having previously led FBC's college ministry.

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