Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Homers & Homeschooling

Justin Taylor posted a short but interesting piece back in September on ‘The Eight Myths of Homeschooling.’ 
With the number of homeschoolers that I know, I read his post with
particular interest.   His post is mainly informational, designed to
get people to read two other worthwhile pieces.  Since I am not
planning on giving a fully developed critique or endorsement of
homeschooling, I guess that places this post in a similar vein.  All
the same, the two sites Taylor mentions are well-worth reading through:

A.  Dan Edelen published a series of articles (1, 2, 3, 4) on ‘The Myths of Homeschooling:’  Here are his theses:

  • Myth #1 ~ If you don’t homeschool your kids, you’re not a good parent.
  • Myth #2 ~ Homeschooling more actively involves parents in their children’s educations.
  • Myth
    #3 ~ The educational methodology behind most homeschooling curriculum
    is superior to the methodology used in public schools.
  • Myth #4 ~ The ________________ method is by far the best way to homeschool kids.
  • Myth #5 ~ A parent is a child’s best teacher.
  • Myth #6 ~ It is "more Christian" to homeschool.
  • Myth #7 ~ Homeschooling protects our children.
  • Myth #8 ~ Homeschooled children are smarter than their peers.

you believe one (or more) of the above posted "myths", you should
definitely read through his article.  Lest you think Edelen is just
another public school booster, read the first article and notice that
his degree is in Christian Education and he is planning on
homeschooling his own children.  His ambition is to:

 "to slice through the rhetoric that surrounds homeschooling and to
honestly examine its strengths and weaknesses. I understand that this
is a touchy subject loaded with potential landmines, but many of the
issues wrapped up in homeschooling are bothersome and few Christians
are examining them honestly. Instead, many Christian families are swept
along by the homeschooling tsunami unable to clearly consider all the
issues at stake."

After working through those four articles and reading the myths, do also take the time to read a follow-up post Edelen did, ‘A Few Thoughts on Home Schooling‘ that has some positive suggestions for those who do homeschool…ten of them in fact.

B. Doug Wilson has published a helpful article on ‘Homers — highlighting the difference between being humble and being radical about homeschooling…or in his language being a "homeschooler" vs. being a "homer."  I pray that none within our church fit the description he gives of ‘homers.’

DISCLAIMER:  On this topic, particularly, it’s important to state that I don’t agree with everything that said in each of these links…perhaps, most notably, Edelen’s emphasis on the need for agrarian education. Smiley

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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