Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

September 3, 2015
Posts: 303

#WorthReading №6

Still more articles from around the internet that are worth your time reading…

Encouraging Parents of Prodigals – “when children fall away the parents can feel like failures and may sense judgement from other Christians”

4 Simple Ways Fred Elliot Discipled His Children – “A simple faith lived out sincerely in front of your children will likely leave a stronger impression than a complex theology devoid of an intimate relationship with the Savior.”

A Note to Christian Men – four ways that men can fight the urge to look lustfully at a woman

The Anatomy of Sexual Sin – “we have lost sight of what a terrible offense sexual sin is in the eyes of God.”

Kentucky clerk ordered to court after refusing to issue gay-marriage licenses – just a month ago, we heard from the pulpit that this day would come, yet it has arrived even more quickly than expected

September 1, 2015
Posts: 303

#WorthReading №5

Here are some articles from around the internet that are worth your time reading…

My Wife’s Plea to Christian Men – Men, read this. Right now. Just click thru and read this.

5 Prerequisites for Success in College – many words of wisdom for collegians here

Is There Any Actual Demand for Same-Sex Marriage? – “On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. One question the Court ignored—and which few people ever truly considered—was whether there is an actual demand for same-sex marriage.”

When You Get the Raw End of a Deal – when you’re mistreated, here are some central biblical truths you need to meditate on

Why You Should Not Wear a Crucifix – “The pathos of the crucifix obscures the glory of Christ, for it hides the fact of his deity, his victory on the cross, and his present kingdom”

One more for collegians — this short 6 min video provides great counsel for students taking a religion class on a secular campus — How to Survive World Religions 101

August 31, 2015
Posts: 10

Book Review: The Gospel at Work

gospel at work imageDuring a lifetime, the average person spends an average of 80,000 hours at work (this is assuming we all work only 40 hours per week for 40 years). In other words, work matters.

Whether you’re a student, stay-at-home mom, or a corporate executive, everyone works because it is at the root of what it means to be human. From the very beginning, God commissioned work as a means to bring glory to Him, reflect His character, and enjoy Him. However, since the fall, our culture and hearts have distorted the true meaning of work: work becomes an idol or we become idle. Therefore, our understanding of daily work must be conformed to the the word of God.

In The Gospel At Work, Traeger and Gilbert provide us with a robust understanding of work. Their main thesis? Continue Reading →

August 26, 2015
Posts: 3

What does the Bible say about work?

WorkCan Work Be Redeemed?

Why is work so hard? Why is it painful? When someone asks about your job, complaints often proceed, “work has been so busy, my boss is ridiculous,” or “I don’t get paid enough for what I do.” The pain and hardship never seems to let up. We are busier, more stressed, and more physically drained than ever before. Work is often associated negatively; “It is just a necessary evil, a means to an end.”

But can it be good? God worked didn’t He? He created the world in six days and rested the seventh. Sure, He could have spoken the entire world into existence in one moment, but do you think there was a greater purpose? Do you think God could have left a weekly pattern that he wants us to follow? Continue Reading →