Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

June 26, 2012
Posts: 303

How to Find a Church

A few times a month, I get questions like these:

My sister is in a church whose doctrine is not in line with God’s word and I’m trying to research online for a church for her to call home. I am having a difficult time and I am asking if you could recommend a church you may know of in Tulsa that she could attend?

My son was accepted to the University of Osh-Kosh-B’Gosh and will be attending there this fall. We’re having a hard time finding a church for him to plug into there. Can you help us?


So I thought that I’d peel back the curtain and let you know how it is that I come up with recommendations. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to help your friends and family the next time that they need a good church. Continue Reading →

June 25, 2012
Posts: 16

Train Up a Child, Financially

In a study sponsored by the National Council on Economic education, 66% of high school students tested on basic money skills scored an “F”.  Only 3% got an “A”.  This isn’t the only survey that shows that kids lack money sense, yet teenagers are spending about $200 billion of their own money each year, and influence an additional 50% of their family spending.  That is a lot of purchasing power—for a group with little knowledge of how to spend and save wisely.

How many of us were taught how to be financially responsible as children?  Statistics show that very few of us had proper education on how to manage our money.  Our parents probably didn’t explain it to us, nor did the educational system.  Perhaps that is why the United States savings rate is so low—only one half of one percent of what we make.  That puts us at the bottom of the list of industrialized countries.  In fact, today, Americans have the lowest savings rate in history since the Great Depression. Continue Reading →