Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

July 26, 2012
Posts: 25

RMG Life: The Effects of Anxiety

Last RMG we asked ourselves, “Am I an anxious person?”

Afterwards, in wanting to examine this issue thoroughly, I decided to research if worrying is as bad for you as they say it is. I think my grandmother told me it was once, but as much as I love her, I wanted a professional opinion on the matter so I checked with my favorite physician, Dr. His consultations are free and the drive is short, not to mention there is no poking and prodding.

Anyhow, Dr. “W” was pretty convincing. Continue Reading →

July 25, 2012
Posts: 4

Lessons from Uganda: Missions Mindset

Why go on foreign missions? We know the goal of missions is to proclaim the gospel and to make disciples. But I think foreign missions teach us a lot about the gospel too. On the recent FBC trip to Uganda, our diet, sleeping arrangements, personal hygiene facilities, insects and language were some of the foreign elements of our trip. When Christians are on short-term trips some of us see the “foreign” elements of the trip as short-term adventure, others as a short-term discomfort. But the foreign elements can be a constant reflection on the gospel. Continue Reading →