Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Voddie Baucham has written an excellent post on how different the fight for homosexual rights is from our nation’s earlier fight for civil rights.Voddie Baucham

The California Supreme Court would have us believe that the homosexual struggle for a redefinition of marriage puts them in the same category as my ancestors. However, they would rather you didn’t take a closer look, lest you see how flimsy the comparison turns out to be.

Baucham then describes how:

  • Homosexuals are an “Unidentifiable Minority”
  • Marriage has an “Unalterable Definition”
  • Homosexual marriage is an “Unsustainable Precedent”
  • Christians are being led to an “Inescapable Confrontation”

You need to read » Gay Is Not the New Black

July 31, 2012
Posts: 3

True Love, God’s Way

After overhearing a worldly statement about love, I started thinking about what love truly is and what it truly is not.  I think our society mostly defines love strictly on emotion and feelings.  Unfortunately, we as Christians also tend to embrace this way too often.  Are there emotions and feelings in true biblical love?  What do the Scriptures say about love?  I find that we often lean on these emotions and feelings only instead of embracing the fullness of love in heart, mind and strength.  How do we fall into embracing the wrong kind of love?  Have we believed the lie that love does not take a great amount of work, self-sacrifice, self–denial and encouragement for sinners like us?  How can we embrace true biblical love with everyone around us, as much as it depends upon us?  Continue Reading →