Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

September 13, 2012
Posts: 26

How Do I REALLY Feel About Submission?

Sometimes submission sucks… Can I even say that on a church blog? My attitude towards submission has greatly changed over the past six years of being married to my wonderful husband. I once viewed submitting to Daniel as a mistake; clearly I knew a lot more than he did, and therefor I should be in charge, right? The truth is that my attitude towards submission didn’t show my belief in my personal superiority to Daniel, but instead I believed I knew more than God.

By God’s grace and the encouragement of His word, overtime my heart has softened, and I am thankful for such an awesome man to submit to. Over the years lots of his decisions have been amazing (like moving our family to Faith Bible and not having me pursue a degree). Continue Reading →

September 10, 2012
Posts: 8

Is It Helpful?

I sat down for a few minutes yesterday afternoon while my kids were sleeping to read a few blogs. I’ve recently been convicted by a series on the Girltalk blog discussing our online habits. A few of the posts that dealt with the amount of time we spend on the computer stung a little.  Facebook or personal blogs are not usually a huge time-waster for me.  However, my 10-year high school reunion is next month, and, due to the planning of that event, I have been “re-connected” with classmates I hadn’t heard from in years. I have spent more time than usual catching up on the past few years in many of these old friends’ lives. While this isn’t necessarily a sin, I do need to be careful that I am making the most of my time and not sacrificing other things I need to be doing so that I can sit on the computer.

What really hit home though was a post on the helpfulness of Internet reading. Continue Reading →

September 4, 2012
Posts: 35

Book of the Month: Am I Really a Christian?

Not long ago, Chris mentioned in a message that he is passionate about people who go to church who are not Christians. He must have read our Book of the Month for September. It’s called Am I Really a Christian? The author, Mike McKinley, actually states that he is “aimed at convincing you that you may not be a Christian.” Most of the chapters actually begin with the words “You Are Not a Christian if…” And each chapter is full of valuable teaching for each of us.

After using the first two chapters to define what it means to be a Christian (a great explanation of being “born again”). McKinley then gives five tests of a true believer as follows: Continue Reading →