Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

July 26, 2013
Posts: 2

Can’t Find Time to Read?

Have you walked over to the book rack lately, picked up a book, and said to yourself, “I sure would like to read this”? There are so many good books to read! They have books on marriage & parenting, theology, and even books about how to deal with your sin!  It’s just a great selection. But If you’re like me, setting aside or just finding adequate time to read is TOUGH.
Read a book
Maybe it’s due to work commitments, commuting time, chores around the house, the real need to spend time with your spouse, and of course the kids – or in my case – the grandkids, there are just so many other demands made for us and that we put on ourselves.  Setting aside time for reading is challenging.  And when you do find time, which book do you begin to read? Continue Reading →