Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

September 5, 2013
Posts: 3

Loving Your Neighbor

EvangelismIf you’ve been a Christian for a while, you’ve probably had the desire to tell someone about Jesus Christ. This is normal, since God gives His children the desire to do His will. In Matthew 22, a lawyer asked Jesus…

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”
37 And He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
38 “This is the great and foremost commandment.
39 “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

Most of us don’t have a problem loving God. We read His Word, pray, sing worship songs, and even show up to church on time. In general, we live our lives in a way that is showing love to the God who created us and saved us. When it comes to loving our neighbor however, it can be difficult.

The most loving thing you can do for your neighbor
is to tell them about Jesus Christ.

Most of us at Faith Bible Church know enough about the Bible to explain the gospel of Jesus Christ, yet we don’t talk much about Jesus to the unbelievers around us. There are many reasons for this.

For me, it had to do with fear. Continue Reading →

August 31, 2013
Posts: 54

Caring for the Sick, Disabled and Homebound: Part 1

One of the glorious things about a church filled with people transformed by God’s grace is the body’s Spirit-enabled ability to uniquely care for one another—spiritually, emotionally, physically and, when needed, financially (Gal 6). One of the ways this is powerfully manifested is when the body actively and intentionally ministers to the sick, the disabled and the homebound saints.

IVWhether the church family is responding to an acute, life–threatening disease, a severe injury or a chronic illness, these major life events often result in a beloved brother or sister becoming physically limited and/or disabled for a season and sometimes permanently. In God’s perfect design, the church family has been uniquely equipped to care for them! (Acts 2; Rom 12; 1 Cor 12-13; Eph 4). One of the great joys I’ve experienced at FBC is seeing God work through His church in a variety of amazing ways to care for those suffering with acute, life-threatening illnesses.

My primary purpose in this post is to address the specific “why & how” regarding care for the sick, disabled and homebound in our church family. The larger biblical question as to “why” people suffer, are born with deformities, become severely injured or disabled is not the focus of this post. You can find more on that topic elsewhere. In the future (part 2), I hope to address our specific care of those with debilitating, chronic illnesses. Continue Reading →

August 29, 2013
Posts: 35

Book Review: Delighting in the Trinity

trinityName the most challenging doctrine in the Bible. Which one is hardest to understand and explain to someone? Election? That’s a tough one, for sure. The end times, with the rapture, Tribulation, Millennium and all that goes with it? There’s a lot to learn in that area, no doubt about it. How about the Trinity? That would get a lot of votes! Not only is it a challenge to understand, but it also makes you wonder why it is so important. Continue Reading →