Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

November 1, 2013
Posts: 35

Book Review: Crazy Busy

busyBusy. Busy. Busy. I used to give that answer when someone asked me how things were going. Now that I’m retired, sometimes I still give that answer! How about you? Has your life become moving from one event to another, seemingly without a break? This month we have a book that might help you. It’s called Crazy Busy, written by Kevin DeYoung.

The subtitle will help you think that you probably need to hear its message: “A mercifully short book about a (really) big problem.” This is an easy-to-read book with lots of good ideas and things for you to think about.

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October 29, 2013
Posts: 303

‘Strange Fire’ audio is online

The most serious crimes against God occur in corrupt worship.

I’ve just begun listening to the audio from the ‘Strange Fire’ conference that happened a couple weeks ago.  As I listened to the first message, the above quote captured my thinking for awhile and, I believe, is John MacArthur’s motivation for focusing hard on this issue.

John’s concern does not appear to be as much for the genuinely Christian charismatics, but for the excesses of the larger movement.  Watch the video below for more on that.

October 24, 2013
Posts: 303

10th Anniversary Reflections – Ray Comfort

Each week, we’re putting the extended-cut reflections from one of the people highlighted in our 10th anniversary video. This week is Ray Comfort.  Ray leads Living Waters Minsitries, actively trains people to share their faith, and has visited FBC to preach.  A number of people in our church have become more effective evangelists as a result of his ministry.