December 18, 2013
by Morgan Maitland
Posts: 3
One of the most controversial topics in Christianity today is “Culture and Christianity.” How are Christians supposed to appropriately engage the culture with the gospel? The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” but unfortunately, many churches do not fulfill this calling. While some fail to reach out to the unsaved around them, others leave the gospel behind in their attempt to attract the culture. Christians must not be apathetic to the current state of the lost, yet we must also be wise in our approach to making disciples.
Our world is fallen. Our nation (and every nation) is fallen.The current state of culture in America is bad and only getting worse. We do not need to look very far outside our homes to see people who are driven by self-motivation, pleasure, relativism, and power.
What an incredible opportunity for the gospel of Jesus Christ!
THIS IS MY PASSION! I love the idea of meeting people where they are with the truth. Let us go out to the world and declare the excellence of the gospel. It is by the power of the gospel that God can change a generation’s, and even a nation’s, corrupt heart. It is in the midst of this wretched culture that people will realize their great need for a Savior. Continue Reading →