If you are a man actively participating in Faith Bible Church, we would like to invite you to consider joining the Training Center this fall.
The Training Center is a 3-year course of study designed to create mature men of God who will lead in the local church. It focuses on creating a solid foundation in the Bible and theology, teaching men to shepherd the local church and teaching men to lead in the local church.
Applications will be available at church in January.
If you want to get a head start, here’s some books that will help get you ready in different ways:
- Talk Thru the Bible, Wilkinson & Boa — bible survey
- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth, Fee & Stuart — bible survey
- How to Interpret the Bible for Yourself, Mayhue — bible interpretation
- Spiritual Disciplines of Christian Life, Whitney — spiritual walk
- Every Thought Captive, Pratt — apologetics
- New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?, Bruce — bible history
- Taking God at His Word, DeYoung — bible inerrancy
- Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer — character of God
- Disciplines of a Godly Man, Hughes — personal holiness
- Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, Tripp — caring for others
- The Earthly Career of Jesus, the Christ, Culver — in-depth look at life & ministry of Jesus
NONE of these are required reading, but each of them works through a topic which we spend significant time on in TC.
We are also format-agnostic, so you can read print (new/used/borrowed), digital or listen to audio — just make sure you internalize and think through whatever it is you are studying!