Two weeks ago, my wife and I were driving from one event to another in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. It was one of those drives where the time in the car was our “down time” and we were not really talking all that much, just enjoying a few minutes of being together encapsulated in quiet. About ten minutes into our ride, she quietly said, “I miss our RMG.”
As I sat at a stoplight – patiently of course – I thought about what she had said and I agreed, “I miss it too.”
Our group, like the others, took a holiday hiatus. We all agreed it was a good idea with everything else that demands attention and recovery from mid-December to early January. I still believe it was healthy for us, and now, even more so, because of what we realized that day in the car.
The nineteenth century English author, Thomas Haynes Bayly, penned the famous words, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” It is a truism. Not being together with our group caused us to realize that we were indeed fond of the people in it, and that, in turn, gave us an even greater appreciation for our RMG.
More importantly, it reminded me of Paul’s words to the Philippians, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you . . .” and the joy he felt towards the church in Philippi for their work with Him in fulfilling the gospel. Our RMG has brought us joy because through it, we recognize the work of God.
If you are still feeling a little disconnected or not quite sure where you fit in at FBC, I encourage you to try an RMG. You do belong and you can experience a great sense of satisfaction and joy as part of ministry to others in the Body!