Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Vote as if you weren’t voting…

That’s the sagacious counsel of John Piper in a blog post of his last week.  Examining Paul’s words in 1 Cor 7:29-31, Piper applies what he says to voting with great wisdom and insight.

Voting is like marrying and crying and laughing and buying. We should do it, but only as if we were not doing it. That’s because “the present form of this world is passing away” and, in God’s eyes, “the time has grown very short."

We should all vote on Tuesday of next week.  There are issues of Christian morality at stake on the ballot this time. If you don’t like either of the presidential choices, write in ‘Jesus’ so that you can say you voted for him.  But, at the least, go and vote your conscience on the propositions at hand.

Ultimately, though, politics is not supreme, Christ is.  Read Piper’s article to see how he more fully develops that thought .

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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