Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Disasters, Relief Efforts & Prioritization

{mosimage}It started with the tsunami in Asia, then Katrina hit, followed by Wilma, and somewhere in the midst of it Pakistan sufffered a devestating earthquake in which 73,000 people are estimated dead.  What’s a Christian to do??  To who and how much should we give?  It seems that this year in particular, people are being called on to help many across the world who’ve been afflicted by natural disasters.

Al Mohler published some helpful guidelines back in October that are worth reading through in full.  The short version is:

  1. Give where the need for your gift is greatest and the impact of your gift will be clearest.
  2. Give through organizations you can trust to distribute funds honestly, strategically, equitably, and with the lowest overhead expenses.
  3. Give through organizations that are fully accountable to the Christian church.
  4. Give where your heart is directed through prayer and informed awareness.
  5. Give where the Great Commission impact is a priority.
  6. Use this decision-making process as a way to teach your children to give.

Read the article to hear some of these helpfully expanded on.  Also check out to investigate any relief organization you have questions about or interest in.  Near the top of the page, you can search for a particular ministry and learn a great deal about them and how they handle money.

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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