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On the Knowledge of God

In the second session of "The Character of God" class I’m teaching, we covered 5 key aspects/truths regarding the Knowledge of God (His Omniscience).  For your consideration and meditation, here’s a brief recap:

1)    God is infinite in knowledge.  There is nothing in the past, present, or future that He doesn’t know, whether things actual or merely possible.

  • From before the creation of man, God knew of the fall; He knew your parents; He knew the day on which you would be conceived and exactly which egg within your mother would be fertilized to result in you.  He knew of the scar you would get in your twenties and what would cause it.  He knew the person you’d marry and how you’d meet.  He ordained the day which you would repent & turn to Him.  He knows every one of the days of your life, and the quality of health you’ll enjoy in each of them. (Eph 1:4-5, Ps 139:13-16)
    • Do you realize that if your great-great-great-grandparents had not each been created exactly as they were, when they were, they would never have met each other, fallen in love, had children and continued the family line with you as the result?
    • God knew that the atrocities of the Holocaust, the Crusades, Mao Zedong, the Stalin era of Russia, the slave trade, and the World Wars.  He knew every man, woman & child who would die, and He knows perfectly all the theoretical ‘what ifs’ both pro & con that might have prevented, hastened or lengthened each of these tragedies. (Mt 10:29-31)
  • He knows whether a cure for cancer will ever be discovered.  He knows whether global warming is truly a threat and whether mankind will be around long enough to see its effects.  He knows the future and all its probabilities. (Is 46:9-10)
  • He is infinite in knowledge.  There is nothing He does not know.  He knows things that we will never know. (Ps 139:6, Is 55:8-9)

2)    God knows Himself and His creation perfectly.  There is nothing that is hidden, veiled or mysterious to Him.

  • There is nothing which God does not fully understand. (Heb 4:13, Jn 21:17)
      • It’s not that there’s nothing he cannot know,
        but that’s nothing which He does not know.  He never has to think,
        consider, or ponder anything.
    • In all of creation, there is no mystery.  He knows
      the number of galaxies within creation (estimated by Hubble in 1999 at
      125 billion; now thought less than half accurate).  He knows the heat
      of the earth’s core; the number of wombats in Australia; and when a
      coyote is hit on Winchester Rd.
  • There is nothing that is hidden from him.  The
    decisions made in the White House, the command centers in the bunkers
    of NORAD, the things your children do when they think no one is
    watching.  God sees everything and no act is the least bit out of focus
    for Him. (Ps 139:1-4)

3)    The knowledge of God is static.  He never learns or forgets anything.  His knowledge never changes or grows.

  • Our knowledge of life grows & changes.  Our
    knowledge of God improves & deepens.  But God’s knowledge is
    unchanging & unimproved. (Mal 3:6, 1 Sam 15:29)
  • Were there anything which God had to learn, it
    would diminish His perfection and prove there to be a teacher to God
    (Rom 11:33-34)

4)    The knowledge of God is rooted in His decrees.  His knowledge is
the result of His will, rather than His will being the result of His

  • It is not just that God knows what will happen,
    similar to a prophet.  Though He is outside of time, we should guard
    against considering Him as a spectator/observer.
  • God’s knowledge is the result of the perfect
    decrees which He made before time began.  Not a clockmaker who set the
    world spinning & leaves, but a Creator who decreed the very best
    before T=0 and remains involved to bring it to pass.  (Prov 19:21, Rev
    • So God’s knowledge is not observational, but
      resultant.  He knows what He has ordained to come to pass. Hence, all
      that He has not revealed is mystery.  (Prov 16:1, 1 Cor 2:11-12)

5)    The wisdom of God does not flow out of the knowledge of God, but
is rather an essential core part of His nature.  It is independent,
rather than dependent.

  • Human wisdom is gained from knowledge and
    experience.  God’s wisdom exists as a part of His character.  It did
    not have to be learned and does not grow with knowledge. (Rom 16:27,
    Rom 11:33)
  • Because His actions are not the result of His
    knowledge, we must say that His wisdom is distinct from His knowledge,
    rather than the outflow of His knowledge.


Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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