Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Reflections on Contemporary Calvinism

PhilJohnsonPhil Johnson, executive editor at Grace to You and an elder at Grace Community Church, has begun his own blog, PyroManiac. His first post – ‘Quick and Dirty Calvinism‘ – is a fantastic assessment of much contemporary Calvinism, especially the online variants.

lack of evangelism, polemicism, and anti-intellectualism are some of
the major issues which he points out. He continues…
Historic Calvinism is not supposed to be that way. Yes, Calvinism is
virile; it’s relentless when it comes to truth; and it’s not always
easy to swallow. But it is full of truths that should humble us and
fill us with compassion rather than swagger and conceit. The best
Calvinism has always been fervently evangelistic, large-hearted,
benevolent, merciful, and forgiving. After all, that’s what the
doctrines of grace are supposed to be all about.

Definitely read the whole article, but don’t bother spending time on the many, many comments which follow..

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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