Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

March 28, 2016
Posts: 10

Much More

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures—Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

christian cross in brick wallThe work of Christ on the cross and his triumphant victory over death are of first and high importance. Why? Because it is fundamental and foundational to the Christian life. Without the death of the perfect Son of Man there is no forgiveness of sins. Without the resurrection of Christ there is no power to live the Christian life.   That is the reason for our celebration on Easter day all throughout the world.

But, on Monday morning, post-resurrection, we must not stop where most churches stop. We must not end where most contemporary teaching and discipleship ends. There is something much more than the justifying work of Christ and his glorious resurrection. Continue Reading →

March 14, 2016
Posts: 303

Easter (Holy Week) Devotions

FYI- Desiring God ministries has released a new book, full of readings to prepare your heart for Good Friday and Easter. The book is called Your Sorrow Will Turn to Joy and is available digitally for free. Get it now, so you can start reading on Palm Sunday (March 20) and continue through Easter.

Download ‘Your Sorrow Will Turn to Joy’

December 29, 2015
Posts: 54

The Foolishness of God

IBM Blue Gene P supercomputerWe humans have a thirst for knowledge. We have a passion to expand our understanding of the nature of things. For example, we have developed numerous satellites that probe the mysteries of the physical universe.[1] We’ve walked on the moon and placed robotic data gathering “dune buggies” on Mars.[2] We now have imaging machines that can examine the previously unseen world of molecules—the smallest building blocks of the material universe.[3] We have developed a super computer that can process quadrillions (e.g. 1,000 trillion!) of data per second.[4] Wow, if we keep going we will figure out everything, right?

While we humans have come to understand much that is true about life, and science and technology have developed things that bring tremendous value and help millions of people, there is one thing we humans will never truly figure out on our own—what life is ultimately all about. What is its true origin? Where is it going? What does it mean? Why is the world like it is? What is our purpose? Why am I the way I am? Continue Reading →

December 22, 2015
Posts: 10

Life Without Christmas

What if on December 25th you woke up to no Christmas tree, no gifts, no tamales nor menudo? What if you woke up to no Christmas? What would life be like without Christmas?

ScroogeLike Ebenezer Scrooge, we often forget the true meaning of Christmas and embody the opposite of what Christmas means. And like Scrooge, we often need visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come to remind us what Christmas means. For the Christian, however, it is not ghosts of Christmas but the Holy Ghost of God that reminds us what Christmas is all about. For the Christian, December 25th is not about celebrating a holiday, but celebrating the birth of a person—the King.

While many are demanding we go from a merry Christmas to a happy holiday, even Christians often do not embody the true meaning of why we come together and celebrate because we get caught up with the giving, gifting, and eating. Unlike A Christmas Carol, Christmas is more than just kindness, generosity, and compassion. It is about celebrating the miraculous birth of the coming King. A life without Christmas is a life with neither the truth of a virgin birth nor the blood of a belittled King to wash away our sins. A life without Christmas is a life without hope, peace, joy, or good news.  Continue Reading →

December 17, 2015
Posts: 303

Training Center starts again in Sept 2016

If you are a man actively participating in Faith Bible Church, we would like to invite you to consider joining the Training Center this fall.

FBC Training Center

The Training Center is a 3-year course of study designed to create mature men of God who will lead in the local church. It focuses on creating a solid foundation in the Bible and theology, teaching men to shepherd the local church and teaching men to lead in the local church.

Applications will be available at church in January.

If you want to get a head start, here’s some books that will help get you ready in different ways:

NONE of these are required reading, but each of them works through a topic which we spend significant time on in TC.

We are also format-agnostic, so you can read print (new/used/borrowed), digital or listen to audio — just make sure you internalize and think through whatever it is you are studying!