Flowing into the mainstream church vernacular in recent years is this phrase: “speak into my life.” It might be used in a context where one might sincerely inquire, “Is anyone speaking into her life?” It can also appear as an earnest plea from a friend needing direction, exhortation or the like, as in, “Please speak into my life! I need help!”
In light of the Scriptures, the action of having one Christian “speak into” the life of another Christian is pivotal for growth. Hebrews 10:24 directs us to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds.” Ephesians 5 is another passage that lays out how we should walk in this life as those who love Christ.
Of course, we don’t walk alone but alongside other believers. In the course of this natural walk, we must remind each other and ourselves of biblical directives. The reminders come when we watch other saints live and breathe: take punches, suffer hurts, experience joy and endure trials in their personal lives. When we witness their obedience, faithfulness and even failures, the lessons are relevant because we share their path.
These reminders, these lessons, these admonitions, they cannot happen if we are not involved in healthy relationships with other believers. In many instances, the reminders should be verbal. But verbal admonition works best and rings most true when it is the context of love, prayed through circumstances, invitation and, sometimes, history.
Beware of looking for peoples’ lives to “speak into.” Instead, pursue Christ and be faithful in your relationships. He doesn’t need you to find them, and perhaps He doesn’t want you to know when you have done it! You would probably agree with Oswald Chambers, as he wrote:
“The lives that have been the most blessing to you are those who were unconscious of it.”
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