Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Luther on the Manger

Justin Taylor posted a beautiful quote by Martin Luther on the newborn Savior: 

If you will have joy, bend yourself down to this place. There you will
find that boy given for you who is your Creator lying in a manger. I
will stay with that boy as he sucks, is washed, and dies…. There is
no joy but in this boy. Take him away and you face the Majesty which

I know of no God but this one in the manger…That
person lying in the manger is both man and God essentially, not
seperated one from the other but as born of a virgin. If you separate
them, the joy is gone. O Thou boy, lying in the manger, thou art truly
God who hast created me, and thou wilt not be wrathful with me because
thou comest to me in this loving way- more loving cannot be imagined."

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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