Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

August 26, 2013
Posts: 26

Lazy Fishing

And He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Lazy Fishing

I will be honest; I hate fishing. And especially if I’m supposed to throw the fish back! I just don’t understand the point…

My dislike for fishing actually grew on a recent camping trip, during my devotional times! Every morning, I would watch the sun rise above the hills as I sat reading my Bible and, every morning, a young couple would set up right in front of me with their gear. They would hook up several fishing lines across the shore of the lake, then sit and gossip while they drank their beers in their lawn chairs. Occasionally they would “catch” something on their lines and go fiddle with the fishing pole, then sit back down. If there were a fish on the line, then they would reel it in and throw it back into the lake.

Day after day, I watched this occur, and it finally hit me — that’s how I fish! Clearly I’m not really fishing for fish, but I would venture to say that most Christians (myself included) evangelize like modern fishermen. We throw out a few lines like, “what church do you go to?” and hope someone bites. And even if they do bite, rarely do we follow up and yank the line. Instead we cut the line and leave them to swim in the lake. Continue Reading →

August 19, 2013
Posts: 3

Evolution vs. God

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. – Colossians 2:8

I like to talk with unbelievers about Jesus Christ. You would be surprised by how many people I meet in Southern California who do not know what the gospel is. One of the issues that keeps people from looking into the gospel (besides their own sin) is the idea that science has somehow proven that faith in God is useless, and that the theory of evolution supposedly explains where we came from.

For many sin-seeking college students, evolution is the belief system they run to once they have left the boundaries set by their Christian parents. With mommy and daddy out of the picture, they can look to the “smart people” (professors, people who have written science books, etc.) for answers about life. Guess what? The “smart people” aren’t as smart as you thought they were. Continue Reading →

August 10, 2013
Posts: 303

An Aggressive Plan for Sanctification

Last night, I was reading a chapter from the recently updated version of Brothers, We are NOT Professionals by John Piper and came across his strategy for fighting sin. He initially began using this approach to fight lust and now uses it for anger, selfishness and every other sort of sin & temptation.
Consider the Cross
After last Sunday’s message on sanctification, I realized that I had not left you with a strategy for fighting sin in order to be more like Christ. I highly recommend John Piper’s A.N.T.H.E.M. Continue Reading →