Also see the photos on Flickr
April 9, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
April 9, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Also see the photos on Flickr
March 31, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Photos from Sunday’s baptisms have been uploaded. It was joyful to see the six believers be publicly obedient to the command of baptism.
March 30, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Question: What should be my response, when I have offended another on account of their personal convictions, and not my own? Answer: You should ask their forgiveness. And if you have looked down on them for their preferences and judged … Continue reading
March 19, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
If you’d like to learn more about what Shannon Hurley is doing in Uganda, visit FBC’s missions page on them and watch the video. Shannon just put together a 15-min. video describing the three thrusts of SOS (Sufficiency of Scripture) … Continue reading
March 17, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Tasha Cobb found this video and I have to confess… it echoes my sentiments quite well. — John