Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

A Pastor’s Playlist

Earbud HeadphonesI have been playing ‘Attributes of God‘ by Shai Linne a lot lately and loving it. As I shared this with some others in our church, I learned that some people have some wrong assumptions about the music that pastors listen to.

Since I’m a middle-aged white male, I apparently am limited to only enjoying 80’s music, classical, or contemporary Christian. Nobody told me that, so, for full disclosure, here’s a sampling of my playlist from today:

Usually I like a couple tracks on an album, but occasionally a whole album is excellent.  The complete albums that are currently in my regular rotation are:

When studying the Word or when I’m writing, I can’t really listen to music that I can sing with (because that’s incredibly distracting!), so I typically listen to Spanish-language and International albums, like the two above.
PS — While talking about music, I want to say that I love Spotify – an awesome way of listening to all kinds of music.

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Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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