Question: Daniel is OT. Does God work the same way in us?
Answer:Your question is one many believers wonder about !Your question begs the question; does the God of the Old Testament(OT) operate differently than the God of the New Testament(NT)? Who God is,His perfect nature and character, is unchanging(Mal. 3:6,Jms.1:17) The God of the OT is the God of the NT. Throughout God’s dealings with man( which theologians often call “redemptive history”)God’s purpose has been and continues to be to call a people to Himself through Jesus Christ .This is His plan for His creation(1 Co.15:23-28) .This is the ultimate message of the bible!(God’s written revelation of Himself and His eternal purposes)
From Genesis to Revelation God has progressively unfolded His plan for redeeming man and His creation(1 CO.6;1-4;Rev..5;10;20:6).It is in the OT where the ultimate plan for redeeming both Jew and non – Jew is presented.(Gen.15) That “plan of salvation” has the same ultimate design and purpose:
OT saints looked “forward to the cross” and were justified by faith in their Messiah.(Isa.7;17,9:6;Matt.1:21-23)NT saints are saved in the same way by “looking back to the cross “and trusting in Jesus Christ(Messiah) alone for salvation.(Acts2:22-42;Eph.2:8-9)
While the focus of the OT is primarily centered upon God’s dealings with the nation of Israel-God’s witness nation. It is true that some of His methods for dealing with His people were different in OT times. Like Daniel’s visions,revealing Himself through miracles like the fiery furnace or the lion’s den.(for another interesting example-read Numbers 22:22-38! )While He can and sometimes does supernatural things today , that was a specific, purposeful mode of authenticating His chosen vessels/actions during OT times.But who He is(nature/character) and His purpose(s) remain the same:
1. The display of His sovereignty,holiness and glory
2.The redemption of His people and their witness for Him
3. The ultimate establishment of His eternal Kingdom
So, while the ultimate fulfillment of His plan is found only in Jesus Christ (ie, the New Covenant).Who He is(sovereign,holy,faithful, just,merciful and loving) never changes. So, in that sense God’s dealing with us NT Christians is the same as in the OT.
Yes, God’s dealings with NT believers is not subject to OT law,rituals and ceremonies because of the perfect person and work of Christ ! Because of the life ,death ,burial and resurrection of Christ NT believers have been justified ,forgiven and indwelt by God-The Holy Spirit(as promised in the OT) Yes, under the New Covenant, God ,for a time, is not executing whole sections of false believers ,idolaters or pouring out His wrath on His enemies.But , He is still unfolding “His-story”.. and, as we’ll see later in our study of Daniel, there’s more to follow brothers and sisters!!(Daniel 7)
Therefore,we as NT believers, living within the the glorious shelter of God’s amazing grace, have been entrusted with a greater ability and responsibility to trust and obey the God of the bible even over our OT brethren!!(2Peter 1:2-4)
“I am the Lord;I change not”(Mal.3:6)
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