Faith Bible Blog

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Great Christian Biographies

Al Mohler is president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Al Mohlerhosts a daily radio show and writes almost nonstop.  He also reads at an amazing pace…typically 5-6 books per week.  As you may have guessed, he sleeps very little and is often up in the dark of night.

On Mohler’s blog yesterday, he posted a top ten list of biographies from recent decades.  When a guy who’s a solid believer, reads a LOT, and has a personal library in excess of 30,000 volumes (most of which he’s read)…when a guy like that makes some recommendations on valuable books to read, my ears usually perk up.

Now at this point, generally I’d post the list of his recommendations because biographies are some of my favorite books!  But the thing is…Mohler provides summaries and excerpts from each book that you should really read to get a flavor for each book.

So, GO READ THE LIST! And here’s a few of my thoughts on ones he mentioned that I’ve read… (titles are left empty to encourage you to read his list)

#4, written by D. Daniell ~ I LOVED it.  Beth really didn’t.  I think you will probably only like this is if you’re a grammar/language geek.

#6, written by G. Marsden ~ Like it a lot.  I personally preferred the one by Iain Murray, but who am I to dispute Mohler?

#7, written by A. Dallimore ~ I’ve only read volume 1 so far, but it can be extremely challenging to your heart for the lost.

#10, written by I. Murray ~ These 2 volumes mix life story with analysis.  Volume 1 is more life-y.  Both are GOLD!

As you can see, I’ve got lots of new books added to my ‘Books to Purchase & Read’ list.  Smiley

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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