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Can a Statue Come to Life?

A quote by C.H. Spurgeon to enjoy & chew on…

(One man) cries, "Well, I do not see that I need it; I am as moral a man as I can
be; I never break the Sabbath; I am one of the most punctillious of
Christians; I always go to church twice a Sabbath; I hear a thoroughly
evangelical minister, and you would not find fault with him." Or
perhaps says another, "I go to a Baptist chapel, I am always found
there, I am scrupulously correct in my conduct; I am a good father, a
good husband; I do not know that any man can find fault with me in
business." Well certainly that is very good, and if you will be so good
to-morrow morning as to go into Saint Paul’s and wash one of those
statues till you make it alive, then you will be saved by your
morality; but since you, even you, are dead in trespasses and sins,
without the Spirit you may wash yourself never so clean, but you cannot
wash life into you any more than those statues, by all your washing,
could be made to walk, or think, or breathe. You must be quickened by
the Holy Spirit, for you are dead in trespasses and sins.

From his sermon on "The Work of the Holy Spirit", preached on Nov. 8, 1858. 

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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