Be Ready to Listen
March 15, 2015 by John Pleasnick | Comments Off on Be Ready to Listen
Come from your knees to the sermon, and come from the sermon to your knees. — Joseph Alleine, 1634-1668
March 15, 2015 by John Pleasnick | Comments Off on Be Ready to Listen
Come from your knees to the sermon, and come from the sermon to your knees. — Joseph Alleine, 1634-1668
February 11, 2015 by John Pleasnick | Comments Off on How do you read the Bible?
Much apparent Bible reading is not Bible reading at all. The verses pass under the eye, and the sentences glide over the mind, but there is no true reading. — Charles Spurgeon
February 5, 2015 by John Pleasnick | Comments Off on Scripture tells us…
The Holy Scriptures tell us what we could never learn any other way: they tell us what we are, who we are, how we got here, why we are here and what we are required to do while we remain here. — A. W. Tozer, Of God and Men
July 2, 2014 by John Pleasnick | Comments Off on Grace Not in Vain
“His grace towards me was not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Is there anything you need to confess and repent over before you can say that?