But when it comes to biblical truth…Titus 2:15 – These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority.Let no one disregard you. </P
June 30, 2011
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
June 30, 2011
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
But when it comes to biblical truth…Titus 2:15 – These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority.Let no one disregard you. </P
February 10, 2010
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Narration by John Piper, Desiring God
November 16, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
Shai Linne raps the story of the Bible. Not only is it excellent, but you just have to give props to a guy who can fit “mosaic covenant” into a song that demands rhythm and meter!! Filmed at the Worship God … Continue reading
September 7, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
I just came across this from 2007. A number of people from FBC went to Resolved back then and heard this live, but if you weren’t able to go, please listen to John Piper preaching on the damning gospel which … Continue reading
July 1, 2009
by John Pleasnick
Posts: 303
ChristianAudio.com regularly gives a FREE audiobook each month. This month, they’re giving away a great book entitled… Crazy Love by Francis Chan The God of the universe is crazy about you! His love is the most powerful thing in the … Continue reading