A brief survey of some good articles that were published this month online…

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Quickly Multiply Big Numbers the Japanese Way, Lifehacker (Melanie Pinola) — no wonder we’re losing ground in math and science
Was Spurgeon the Original Inspiration for the “Footprints” Poem?, Justin Taylor — can’t be sure, but it sure would be cool
How to Pray Using Scripture, Kevin DeYoung — incredibly helpful for your devotional life
Martin Luther King Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, Justin Taylor — this letter has stuck with me since I first read it some years ago
A Roomful of Yearning and Regret, New York Times (Wendy Plump) — as one man called it, this is “The Empty Horror of an Extra-marital Affair”
Abortion and the Gospel, Russ Moore — speaking to the conscience, rather than just against and about the act of abortion
50 Shades of Porn, Tim Challies — pornographers realign and are targeting women in new ways
Miserable at “Les Miserables”, Thabiti Anyabwile — I continue to be amazed how many people wanted to go watch a movie about misery during the holidays
A Day a Week, A Week a Year, Tim Challies — on the need for a regular respite from technology