Faith Bible Blog

Information and Reflections for the FBC Family

Shepherds Conference 2009

Shepherds' ConferenceIn six days, twenty-two men from FBC will drive away early in the morning and head to LA for the 2009 Shepherds Conference. The speakers include: John MacArthur, Al Mohler, Steve Lawson and more. There will be nine main sessions, four break-out seminar sessions, and a LOT of rich fellowship with one another and the other men there.

This year, almost all of the Training Center men will be accompanying the elders and a number of ministry leaders. We’re looking forward to learning together and growing together as we listen and interact with what’s being taught. This is a great training environment and we’ll all come home exhausted!

With that in mind, please be in prayer for our time away together, for open, teachable hearts, sharp minds and great fellowship.  Here’s the roster of men to pray for: Mueller, Pleasnick, Shackelford, Spiers, Dodson, Schweizer, Farrell, Bennett, Chavez, Carlson, Ramirez, Avila, Gumbert, Apodaca, Clark, Candee, Tracy, Miller, Perez, Schleiger, Baird, Wilkes, Eich and Helms.

Author: John Pleasnick

John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

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